Sunday, April 06, 2008

7 Days to the first match

7 Days to the first match

It's not looking promising. This morning woke up to scene that would have been made complete with the addition of polar bears rumaging through my compost heap looking for somewhere to warm their paws. Less than 36 hours earlier it had been 19 degrees c and blokes were playing football with their shirts off over at the Rec. Whereas this morning I'm scraping snow off my car window freezing my nuts off in 2 degrees. It gets worse - tonight they reckon that in rural areas it'll get down to -3 degrees and there's a likelyhood of it continuing to snow!

I can't see that there's any chance of a game this coming Sunday because the weather is going to be cold and wet through until Wednesday if not longer. The other thing is standing around in the freezing cold freezing your nuts off for 3 hours sounds challenging as well. Sounds like thermals are going to be the order of the day and a wolly hat! Still we'll see what happens in the nets on Tuesday night and whether they reckon the game will be on. I'll sound out people and see what they recommend you should wear when you're fielding? Hopefully when they bring out the drinks it'll be soup and the teas will be made up of something like soup and hot food? God it reckon if this game goes ahead it is gonna be freezing!

Started my exercises again today again - rotational press ups, stretching bands behind my head stretches on my calf muscle and I'm feeling okay. I felt tempted to go over to both of the fields with my camera and shoot some pics of England in the spring - snow!

This is what is was like 36 hours ago and then how it was today.....

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