You might be aware, but as well as writing blogs I write a lot of stuff on an Australian based forum and through the forum I've met some really good people, that have guided me through all my bowling issues and questions. Recently one of these on-line friends Liz Ward invited me along to go along to the Essex County ground today to a strength & conditioning seminar conducted and run by Core Cambridge additionally it offered a chance to catch up with Liz and other friends that I've made through posting on forums. I'm not a massive advocate of strength and conditioning because I normally associate it with having to fork out shed loads of money to go to a gym. This seminar was looking at ways of doing it with little or no equipment and incorporating it into cricket training programmes.
I took my older son Ben, who is by nature as a 13 year old boy, more interested in X-Box games and he came along begrudgingly. I didn't know what to expect and one of the main reasons I went was to meet up with my forum friends, but it turned out to be a very well conducted session which ended up highlighting several things about my own bodies state with regards to its condition. It turns out that I'm not as flexible as I thought I was, but to be honest looking around all the others I still looked to have been one of the most flexible in the hall! But, the seminar also offered solutions with a whole range of equipment-less exercises and drills to do to combat injury and build in strength and flexibility. What I was impressed with is the advice that I've had previously via the forums and Liz Ward, because when it came to the things that I'm already working with -core strength through the use of Planks and associated exercises it seems I was doing pretty well. Ben, despite his reservations about going said that he enjoyed it, I think he liked the fact that with some of the arm drills he was very flexible - out flexing many of the people in the room, but to get his attention and to keep him engaged for the best part of 3 hours is a testament to how good the seminar was!