Cor blimey I got up this morning and I felt like an old dog, if there was anywhere on my body that didn't ache I couldn't figure out what bit it was. I took about an hour before I'd stopped creaking and aching and the balls and heels of my feet still ache along with my left hand that copped a ball dead centre straight out of the middle of the bat in an almost bowled and caught scenario yesterday. So as a consequence along with the fact that the kids have been out all day today we didn't go to the training session and they were packed off to bed early and were asleep by 8.30.
I went over the 'Paddock' tonight, raked and watered the wicket and smoothed it out looking to level it further still in the vicinity directly in front of the stumps and it looks like it is working bit by bit, so I'll continue doing that through till after the bank holiday. Tonight a big bank of cloud came over looking ominously like it'll bring rain. This cloud is possibly the leading edge of the Hurricane Bill weather pattern or a small depression preceding it.
If it does rain I may move to getting some of the top soil down and rolling it and putting the first lot of seed down. Looking at the progress so far it looks as though we might have a half decent practice wicket for spinning next summer. I'm very optimistic about the prospects of this coming together nicely and maybe looking at getting myself one of these to go with the wicket. 

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