Looking at the Surf charts on Magic Seaweed (pretty comprehensive weather data) http://magicseaweed.com/msw-surf-charts2.php?
chart=1&res=750&type=pressure&starttime= you'll see that a low is coming in off the Atlantic over-night on Saturday and it moves in and across the country on Sunday morning. The nature of the frontal system means that the weather might dissipate as the rain falls across the west country, so we may be lucky and either miss it or catch showers. It needs to be checked as it's pretty inconclusive at this point. This is the predicted outcome for 10.00hrs on Sunday.

Hopefully after the Rayleigh mess we're now all clear on how the game will be decided in the event that the rain does stop play!!
Tomorrow though is a different story. Today the weather has been lovely with the temp when I got home from work at 26 degree centigrade, so I threw a few balls around and my bowling for the moment is coming along nicely and it's looking as though I'm maintaining the momentum that I've been blogging about over the last few weeks. A little note on how much my action has changed, my run in has completely changed now and has developed into a very short and possibly best described as balletic run in, so much so that Liam Rouse last night (wicket - keeping to me) as 'Twinkle toes'! So hopefully in the game tomorrow away at Buckhurst Hill I'll be able to continue the good form and get a wicket or two?