Week before last I was on form and this weekend I've been crap. Last week on Thursday I walked into a metal post and nearly knocked myself out and I'm sporting a classic 'Dennis The Menace' black eye. I've felt crap for the last week or so and generally lethargic. Then it dawned on me that maybe it was my Biorythmns. These are some kind of Voodoo cycle hippy crap thing that I've read about before, but I kind of noticed that there did seem to be some evidence to support the theory. So I'm blaming my bad physical form on my biorythmns.
So I've now taken it further and looked on line and there's a website - you fill in a couple of fields and it gives you a reading. With regards my physical reading I'm.....
35% physical on a downward slide, so that concours and my general well being is described as ....
your general well being is moderate but declining and getting worse.
It goes on to advise - Give yourself a rest and try not to be so physical. That's enough for me - that explains why I can't bowl and I'm now going to have some early nights and wake up for the cricket highlights on BBC2. Hopefully come the weekend I'll be back on form.
It seems someone has passed on the blog address to Sports Science and they now know everything. So welcome to our Sports Science readers now you know the extent of how seriously we're taking this - so bring it on! Anyway that aside let's get on with business as usual. I did contemplate creating a new blog so any new info especially if it was training specific wouldn't be seen by Sports Science but I'm confident that we've got such a massive headstart on them that it doesn't matter if they see what we're up to. Besides I think the things that we've got to look at and get better at are things that they've already got set up anyway - general fitness, speed, stamina etc. So starting off - weather permitting there's been a good response to the possibility of a group of us getting on the gras this saturday - Thomas, Me, Simon & Badger have all signed up to the idea (All bowlers - which is excellent). But Simon may bring along Naughty & Trevor and Alex is even contemplating coming all the way out from London providing he sorts his old boiler out. If this happens this will be brilliant as that will be almost all of the bowling team. I think it's important that as many of us get out on to a field and play because of the fitness factor and the throwing opportunities. We all need to be chasing after the ball at speed and throwing the ball back now in order that we iron issues such as - can you throw the ball back from the outfield without pulling arm muscles? As I'm sure a lot of you have probably not thrown something as big and as weighty as a cricket ball over long distances since you were 14 years old or younger. I know from the fact that this is something I'm good at from my days of throwing rocks and stones accurately over long distances trying to hit outflow/sewage pipe marker posts in the Thames as a youth and trying to hit swallows and swifts in flight with stones. Then trying to do similar stuff much later in life when bored on a beach and pulling my shoulder, neck or arm muscles - it's going to happen unless you've got that muscle development already there. So better to highlight it as a weakness now in practice rather than find out in the field during our first competitive match. Hence the reason I'd encourage everyone to use the opportunities to practice out on the grass. Additionally we need to go through some rudimentary cricket fielding practices such as backing up the wicket keeper and anyone at the bowling end to avoid over-throws when trying to stump their men out by throwing the ball. Follow up fielding when trying to stop the balls from hitting the boundary - 2nd man picks up the stopped ball and gets it back to the crease. 2 stage return of the ball from the outfield to restrict the chance of injury in non urgent situations as the Aussies do. Plus general fielding practice - accurracy of throwing at stumps; pick up and throw at stumps; catching high balls; Slip fielding etc. Look at the websites previously mentioned follow the link to 'The Cricket Show' and the video footage of training exercises and also the BBC website - Paul Collingwood and Gearaint wosshisfaces training videos. Another good option is our very own mate -

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