1. Badger
2. Nick Naughty
3. Simon’s mate Terry
4. Simon
5. Thomas
6. Dave
7. Steve Bone?
8. Mark
9. Rod’s mate
10. Richard
11. Rod
Hopefully this lot will turn up and we’ll have a game. We’ll do half hour of net practice and then have an hour and half of competitive cricket, so all you ‘New Bat’ blokes don’t get too carried away otherwise you’ll be breaking them before they even see a cricket pitch!
Anyone that is inviting random people along make sure they know they’ve got to bring their tenners as the hall needs to be paid for each week and all the equipment costs money.
If anyone is aware of the fact that the people on the list are not going to be there let me know and we’ll try and round up more people, I’m hoping that we’ll have at least 10 people turn up so that we can have a game. Because some key players are missing I recommend that we get Badger and Rod to pick the teams as they have similar playing attributes?
No news on the fixtures as I didn’t get time to send an email to either Gavin Etheridge or Welstead Gardens I’ll be looking to do that on Friday at some point.
I've had a letter back from the school regarding the payment of the money. As from this week we'll be paying as we go with a week in hand. So Saturday I'll be handing over £140, so make sure you all turn up with your dosh.
Something else I need to make enquiries about re Welstead, they're bound to have one.

Also we need to clear it with Gavin and Dean that Tony can Umpire and also what rules we're going to play regarding wides and what have you.
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