Sunday, May 13, 2012

Whoa! Two days of sunshine - what the hell is happening?

Whoa! Two days of sunshine - what the hell is happening? Saturday and Sunday a whole weekend of sunshine and despite this the local pitches were still far too wet to allow for any games and all of our clubs fixtures were cancelled this weekend. I was especially gutted as it looked as though I was definitely looking at getting a game despite the fact that I was option 21 of 22 players for it and somehow over the week I crept up the list to become option No3!

There was an U13's game scheduled for tomorrow night (Monday) which older son Ben would have played in, but that's been cancelled so that 'The Rec' (below) can dry out a little more.
But the good news is, the club reckon that despite the fact that there may be a little rain on Tuesday at some point, training will happen.

With the wet weather The Paddocks had a soaking and it's only been today and yesterday that it's been dry enough to mow. The council fortunately had been round with a sit on mower and had cut the grass very roughly - so that did the majority of the work for me, but getting it down to a reasonable height was still bloody hard work and too two sessions with the mower blades set at differing heights.