In the meantine in the afternoon Ben his mate Kieran and I had a knock about in the square playing backyard cricket, more footage was shot for my 'Backyard cricket video project' where I'm trying to learn how to use Windows Movie Maker to edit clips and add text to videos. Bit by bit I'm getting there and gradually increasing the content in the video and learning how to do all the editing and stuff. The intention is that over a period of years I'll end up with videos like 'The Keys' videos on youtube which I love. So if you're interested have a look what I've done so far here's the link but this will become defunct next time I re-do the video, so maybe the better option will be to look at my channel on youtube instead of the specific video, so here's the channel link -
After a knock about in the square we went over to the Paddock with the petrol lawnmower and gave it a mow. There's been some paddock news but I've refrained from posting it as it can obviously be boring. So here it is in one lump.

On Wednesday someone went over there with a golf club and I think I know who and they chose to hit their golf balls (which they hit straight into the woods with no intention of recovering them) from the wicket. The net result as you can see here is that he's scooped dirty great chunks out of the wicket.
So I had to make up some more top dressing and fill the holes in and re-seed them. Fortunately the bloke that did it and I think that he's one of the blokes that plays cricket with us in the summer realised that initially he was hitting the balls from the bowling area and then he moved up the wicket nearer the bowlers end and hot the majority of them from there thankfully. +Blog+size.jpg)
Repairs to the divot holes
Since then there's been a fair bit of rain and a mix of sunshine and cloud which is perfect grass growing weather meaning that the Paddock today was in need of a trim. None of the seed has started to sprout yet but the grass on the wicket is in full growth mode and needs to be cut once a week at least at the minute.

Ben gives the Paddock wicket the once over
After dinner still completely oblivious as to what we might be expect at the B&PCC do we got slightly dressed up, not knowing how formal or informal it was going to be and made our way there. There was a big crowd with most of the U11's, 13's and 15's all there with their parents. Some people were dressed up but generally it looked pretty informal. There had been a game preceeding the evening event and I was pretty gutted as it was a 30 overs game and I'd liked for Ben to have been involved in that, but he hadn't fancied it.
Because the event was at the clubhouse many of the boys were in their whites still and they were round the side of the clubhouse bowling and I couldn't resist but have a go and I ended up bowling some good Leg breaks. Raffle tickets were sold with a hundred and twenty five pound bat being the prize and then on to the main event. We all piled into the clubhouse with all the U11's sitting on the floor and the medals were all handed out. In the past as I recall all the boys were simply given medals for joining in and being a part of the team, but once in it was evident that there were trophies in addition to the medals. Best bowler, bat, all-rounder and fielder it turns out. This wasn't something I was expecting at all and I hadn't even brought a camera. The prizes were handed out by Jeff Noble (Youth manager) and the President of the club Bob Ayres. First up was best all-rounder of the year and this went to Harry Davey who bowls pace and bats as an opener. Second up was best fielder and that went to Anthony Ayres the wicket keeper and then 'Best Bowler of the year' and I thought there's a chance that Ben and Joe might be in the running for this along with Harry Davey. Not doing the scoring this year at all I hadn't really got a clue as to who had been the most economic and the best strike rate etc. Neil announced..... "This goes to a lad, who despite not taking the most wickets, bowled, we felt in a very consistent and mature way, varying his technique and demonstrating a good solid bowling action and the ability to not get flustered by being hit for runs, this lad wins the best bowler of the year..... Ben Thompson". As Neil had read out the description I thought it was going to be either Joe or Ben and then thought it sounds like Ben and was right. I was well chuffed for him and really proud of him. Ben being Ben got up and took the award without hardly smiling, but I thought he looked as though he was a bit emotional and might crack, but he held it together and sat back down, still without looking as though he wasn't that bothered, but at the same time looking like he still might crack. The best batsman went to Frank Farrington.

Ben and Bob Ayres (Best Bowler U11's 2010
Once out of the glare of the on-lookinging crowd, when all the awards had been handed out Ben at last relaxed a bit allowed himself to look pleased and admit to being very pleased to have won. Here he is above with Bob Ayres and his trophy. 

Ben's mates look at the trophy
Once outside with his mates he was a lot more relaxed and was then able to enjoy the moment a bit more. As you can see from the final image here below, I was very pleased for him and very proud and he's beaten me to an award that I would love to have but stand no chance in hell of winning! Well done Ben and well done all the other boys who picked up awards and medals. Again it was another good event and well done and thanks to all those brilliant people who put in all the effort to run the club and give our kids these times and memories!
Proud and slightly envious Dad