Still not using it at all and looking at ways I can work on it and get it ready for next year. Since putting the seed down it hasn't rained and in the middle of last week the council cut the grass in the paddock using a bit sit on Flymo type mower which has scattered all the seed and Top-Dressing everywhere especially up the batting area. I raked it all back again as much as I could and have just gone back to waiting for the rain. When it does rain I'll probably put more seed down, just to ensure a good even layer of new growth.

As you can probably gather from the stumps in the images I had a bit of a gentle bowl tonight as I've been working on my Biggun and doing pretty good with it. Although it's a re-occuring theme the thing I've noticed and have got to get in my head is that as far as my bowling is concerned when I bowl the ball the sensation needs to be that I'm bowling with the karate chop action. It's then that it turns big, if I don't bowl with the Karate chop action sensation the ball will come out as a small leg-break.