Saturday, May 17, 2008


It seems I've now stumbled across the weird world of the scambuster at I had a look around to see if there was any organisations that follow up these scams and posted the blog entry on where this blog is duplicated. One of the admin blokes on the forum directed me to the 419 website as I'd drawn a blank with any agencies in this country. All the official agencies seem to state that this is such an enormous problem they do not have the resources to deal with it. That to me sounds like we still don't pay enough tax in order that government organisations can afford to do their jobs properly? But that's a whole new issue that I'm not going to get into here. But it does seem that there's an army of weirdo's out there that play these scammers at their own game - pretending that they've bought into the scam and are following it up! I'm tempted to dabble myself - maybe give false account numbers and stuff, but quickly looking at the 419 website it seems the 419- ers even go as far as winding these people up by ringing them and giving them their phone numbers totally engaging with them pretending that they're being fooled! Good on em I say, but I don't think I'd go that far!

If you're interested in how much of a problem this is and what types of letter are being sent to the likes of you, me and more gullible types have a look at this - but heed the warnings. The first one in the list I skimmed through all the way and it's hilarious how long it goes on for and how the 419er bloke strings the scammer along, but it ends in the way you'd expect. After what seems like weeks and weeks of emails and phone calls it ends up with the scammer threatening to kill the 419er, but as he says it doesn't happen!

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