Another dry day with the prospects of at least two more and the chance that we may get out on 5 Tree Field this Sunday rather than go in the nets.
This evening I contemplated rolling the wicket again and then run out of light and time and instead thought perhaps I'd mow the wicket as everything is definitely in growing mode. I know from the research that I did over the winter that it's best just to keep cutting the tops off the grass not cutting any more than a 3rd off at any one cutting. So I went into the garage and had a look at my Ransomes Ajax mower with the intention of quickly adjusting the blade height as it was still in 6mm mode which is far too short for this stage of the mowing and quickly go and do the first cut of the season.
In the end it took a lot longer than I imagined and I ended up having to bring it indoors in the light and finishing it off there. What it did do then was allow me to photograph it so that I could upload the image to the internet and show you what I've done (like you're interested)! Anyway as you can see from the image the gap between the floor and the blade is now in the region of 2" so will give a long cut. What it will do once the cutting is done is establish where the wicket is, which will then facilitate good rolling e.g. in the right zone (Emphasis down the centre). So hopefully the weather will hold out tomorrow and there will be no rain and I'll be able to cut the grass last thing tomorrow night and perhaps roll it as well?
The plan with regards cricket with the MPA boys this weekend is - if it doesn't rain we'll go over 5 tree field. What I'll have to do is conduct a pitch inspection tomorrow at some point and see what state the field is in. Usually the field drains quite well and after a period of sun, wind and no rain it's okay to practice on.
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